Renovation Proceeds on the Joplin Supply Company building and Gryphon Building

More news on other renovation projects going on in downtown Joplin from the Joplin Globe. First, we have the former Joplin Supply Company building at 228 S. Joplin Ave, where the renovation is proceeding under the ownership of a Kansas City developer, Donald Rosemann, and general contractor from Shawnee, Kansas, Straub Construction. The building will be rechristened the Ford Lofts and will offer 35 apartments, 7 of them single bedroom and the rest two bedroom. Rosemann believes that they’ll have high occupancy by completion next year.  Part of the key is that the building will receive federal funding to offer reduced rents for affordable living.   For bonus points, check out the comment section for the revelation that some individuals view “loft living” as an 8th deadly sin.

Second, is a follow up on the status of the Gryphon Building at 1027 S. Main Street.  The building, former home to the Interstate Grocers Association, will open in a few weeks with an expected 60% occupancy.  The cost of the renovation was around $8,000,000 and the building will be leased by floor in stages.  The first floor will feature “historic elements” that remain from the executive offices of the grocery company and provide restaurant and retail space; the third floor will have a “business incubator” that will feature 19 suites, with a “common reception area, conference room, kitchen and break room.”  In the basement will be a gym, and the other floors will all be business space.

Here are two links, one to the building’s facebook page and the other to the regular website for the building.

Here’s an earlier home of the Interstate Grocers.

Interstate Grocers Association home

The home of the Interstate Grocers before the present Gryphon Building

Globe Coverage of the Joplin Supply Company

On Saturday, the Joplin Globe ran an article about the Joplin Supply Company.  The one time location where later on Ford Model Ts were built within and moved within the building by large elevators.  That building is now one of the historic locales receiving the renovation treatment.

The article here.

Below is a photograph of one of the earlier locations for the company on Fourth Street.  The parking lot adjacent to the former Federal building and located behind the library is all one will see if they attempt to hunt down this building today.

The Joplin Supply Company building at Fourth and Wall Streets.

The Joplin Supply Company building at Fourth and Wall Streets.

Source: Historic Joplin