The A.H. Rogers Home – Before and Now

A.H. Rogers, one of the more influential men in Joplin’s history, who wrested control of the Joplin Globe from Gilbert Barbee, had a home in the area of the Murphysburg Historic Residential District.  As we work on the next depot post, and other topics like the 1903 lynching, this morning we present you with a wonderful comparison of how Rogers’ home has survived over a century.  Below is a photo taken no later than 1902, and then photographs taken last summer, in 2010.  The home is one of the legacies of a more bustling age in Joplin’s past.

The Rogers home around 1902.

The same view of the home, as seen, can no longer be achieved. Note that the property has since been decreased in size with an alleyway going straight through the front wall.

A front view of the home (the only way to capture most of the home) reveals little has changed for the home over the last 100 years.

Source: Historic Joplin collection

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