Post Memorial Art Reference Library Debuts New Website

For those of you who may have missed the announcement last week, the Post Memorial Art Reference Library recently unveiled a newly designed website. The new look is a good one, adding separate pages about the library which cover the library’s great benefactors Winfred and Elizabeth Post, the art and antique collection (broken down by type), library resources, and library news. Including in the library resources is information on resources concerning historic preservation. Additionally, the website now offers up to date information on exhibits at the library, as well exhibits of the past.

If you’re not familiar with the Post Memorial, it’s the little gem tucked away in the back of the Joplin Public Library by the computer area, directed by one of the experts of Joplin history, Leslie Simpson. If you haven’t visited it yet, there’s no excuse not to do so after visiting its new website.

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2 Responses to “Post Memorial Art Reference Library Debuts New Website”

  • Comment from Leslie

    Awww, thanks for the plug! I really appreciate it. You might want to check out the new posting under NEWS about the book I’m working on based on historic Joplin postcards.

  • Comment from Brown

    No problem, the Post Memorial is a great resource for Joplin. We will definitely be looking forward to Spring, 2011!

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