A Chilly Ride to the Past

A street car makes its way up Main Street

Street Cars used to be found traveling up and down the major streets of Joplin and connected the city to the surrounding communities. For those of you who would like to experience the real thing, you can catch a ride on the “Polar Express” up in Webb City this coming weekend at King Jack Park. A year long resident of the park, the street car is literally rolled out from time to time for the joy of taking a ride on her.

You can watch the street car carry ticket holders from last week from 1 to 3 pm, or grab a free ticket and take a ride from 3 to 6pm. Don’t miss this chance to experience a bit of the past!

Source: Joplin Globe

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2 Responses to “A Chilly Ride to the Past”

  • Comment from Old Crow

    Great image! Thanks for sharing.

  • Comment from Valerie Stubbs Heckadon

    I believe my family’s restaurant has one of the original street cars, it was turn3d into a restaurant in Butler MO, the street car is still under the building.

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