Joplin Union Depot Today

While Historic Joplin is currently at work on a post about the Union Depot’s history, we took the opportunity to visit the beautiful building last week.  Below are some photographs (but not all) of the building designed by Louis Curtiss, an architect of Kansas City.  There would be no folly greater than to allow this treasure to be loss for lack of a will to take action to restore it.

Joplin Union Depot

Joplin Union Depot East Facade

Joplin Union Depot East Facade

Joplin Union Depot

East Awning

Joplin Union Depot

Joplin Union Depot

Grass, Stucco, and Metal

Joplin Union Depot

Fence, Sky, Green, and East Facade Detail

Joplin Union Depot

Joplin Union Depot West Facade

Joplin Union Depot West Facade

Joplin Union Depot Interior

Joplin Union Depot Interior

Joplin Union Depot South Facade

Joplin Union Depot South Facade

For more photographs, see this Flickr set.

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