Above is a glimpse inside one of Joplin’s Arcade Saloon. The saloon was located at 124 S. Main Street, which put it just a short walk away from city hall and the Joplin Police Department. At the time of the photograph, the saloon was owned by William L. Bigelows from at least 1915 until 1920. Prior to his purchase of the bar, it was home to Schweikert and Sons Saloon. Bigelows’ business came to an abrupt end, like many in Joplin, in 1920 with the passage of Prohibition. The Arcade was in good company, as it was joined in closure by the House of Lords, only two blocks south down the street. A grocery store later moved into the store front, which probably had cleaner floors but much less entertaining stories.

The former home of the Aracade Saloon - the dark green building with white trim at the end of the block.
We would like to thank the current owner of the photo, a great-grandson of Bigelows.